CO-FOUNDER/COO @ ProdPerfect


Operational management focus, expert at running companies and teams to make graphs go up and to the right, regardless of industry. Now founder and Chief Operating Officer at ProdPerfect, fixing E2E testing with ML and good design. ProdPerfect automatically builds and maintains E2E test automation by analyzing user journeys on web applications.

MIT Bacherlors/Masters grad, studying mechanical engineering and political science. 4 years’ experience as operations/management/engineering consultant with Stroud International, followed by operations/sales executive role at startup HelmetHub. Interludes as political author, business book ghost-writer, and consultant for private equity and biotech.

Erik’s big ambitions are to use artificial intelligence to help large organizations and societies consistently identify truth from falsehood, and make better fact-based decisions.



  • Boston CTO Club
  • Entrepreneur Roundtable Accelerator
  • MIT Enterprise Forum Lecturer
  • MIT Lecturer
